Formerly called the health lift, the deadlift is simply the biomechanically sound approach by which we pick things up off the ground. When done correctly, it is an incredibly safe and effective training tool. Nothing is more functional than picking stuff up off the ground - and it can also be really fun! Watch the video for some essential deadlift instruction on a good set-up, then check out the tips below.
Requirements for the deadlift:The bar starts resting on the ground. The movement ends when you are standing straight up with your shoulders slightly behind the bar.
Here are a few tips to perfect your deadlift:
The set-up:
After you get an awesome set up, you are ready for the pull:
- Keep the bar close to your body as you pull. You should literally be dragging it up your legs (wear pants, or tall socks!).
- Your torso angle should remain constant until the bar reaches your knees. This means that your shoulders and hips rise at the same rate until the bar is at your knees. If your hips come up first or your chest comes up first, you violate this rule.
- The bar should travel in a perfectly vertical path perpendicular from the ground to the top of your pull.
And one last thing - breathing and tension:
- On max effort pulls, it is important that your torso is rigid to support your spine. The best way to do this is to take a big breath (referred to as the valsalva maneuver) before the lift. Filling your lungs to capacity with air exerts pressure in your torso, which keeps your spine rigid and in alignment. So, take a big breath before you pull a heavy deadlift, and hold it until you return the bar to the ground.